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田口淳子 略歴 

Junko Taguchi Biography


2001年武蔵野美術大学造形学部油絵学科卒業 ・遠藤彰子氏に師事

​2020年より幻想絵画の鬼才 建石修志氏に師事し、







Born in Tochigi, Japan

2001 Graduated from Musashino Art University, Department of Oil Painting ・Studied under Akiko Endo

Studied under Shuji Tateishi, a genius of illusion painting from 2020.

Studied mixing techniques using alkyd resin paint and oil paint.


The mixed technique is a classic technique used by Bruegel, who painted "The Tower of Babel" in the 16th century, and Bosch, who painted "The Garden of Pleasure" in the 15th century.

I use modern paint alkyd resin paint and paints with mixed technique with oil paint.

Studied mixed technique under Shuji Tateishi from '20.

Former animator

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